Who We Are

Our Team & Leadership

We are governed by a Leadership Team, comprised of our Pastor and seven lay members of our community voted into service by a gathering of the whole body. Each Council member serves as a chair to a church/ service area.

Pastor Joel Anderle

Pastor Joel received the call to Community Covenant in 1999.  He has helped lead several phases of Community Covenant’s life over time.  He is invigorated by pastoral work and spiritual life.  He and his wife, Dr. Janine Post-Anderle, DNP, have six grown children, including first son-in-law.   He enjoys reading broadly, listening to many genres of contemporary music, time at Pilgrim Pines and with family.

Pastor Bekah Lindberg

Pastor Bekah is the Connections Pastor at Community Covenant Church. With extensive study of the Old Testament, she loves to interact with the stories of the Bible and teach and help apply them to all age groups, nursery through seniors! Pastor Bekah grew up in the mountains of Washington State and is enjoying the landscape and culture of the North Shore. When she is not at CCC, she can be found exploring the outdoors, walking along the shoreline, swimming, downhill skiing, practicing photography, playing board games, and spending time with her puppy Pippin.

Pastor Ronald (Ronn) Huth

Pastor Ronn has been an Assisting Pastor at Community Covenant since January 1990 when he started under Pastor Jim Anderson after leaving his position as North Shore Young Life Area Director since 1977. Ronn and his wife Bonnie are originally from Lancaster County PA. They have 5 adult children and 11 adult grandchildren. They lived in Hamilton until 2019 when they sold their home and built an in-law unit attached to their youngest daughter’s home in Rowley. Bonnie retired as Head Nurse at Gordon College Health Center where she worked 30+ years.

Austin Klipp

  • Position: Music Director
  • Hometown: Lexington, MA
  • Hobbies/Interest: Bike riding, visiting breweries and following sports
  • Favorite Vacation Place: London

Eric Cade

  • Position on Leadership Team: Chairperson
  • Hometown: Beverly, MA

  • Hobbies/Interest: Travel, Hiking, Theatre and College Basketball

  • Favorite Vacation Place: Disneyland

Glen Kimmel

  • Position on Leadership Team: Finance Office
  • Hometown: Ipswich, MA
  • Hobbies/Interest: Hiking, walking, cycling, watching and playing ice hockey (mostly watching these days), video games and binge watching shows.  
  • CCC was the perfect fit for our family when our kids were small.  There’s way more to the story, but the community’s willingness to care for our kid’s food allergies in a way that made us comfortable made it so easy to join in and be part of it.  In short, we were loved. I want CCC to continue to be that community that was so welcoming for us when we wanted to be part of a church family.  

Tanya Waldroup

  • Position on Leadership Team: Secretary
  • Hometown: Peabody, MA
  • Hobbies/Interests: I like to golf and travel and volunteer for the Ipswich River Watershed Assn and Uncommon Threads in Lawrence.
  • I love that CCC has been a support for me and grown with me through every stage of my life from VBS and Sunday School through Youth Group and CHIC, to being a parent and youth group leader, and now a member of the Leadership Team. Church is one of the few places where intergenerational relationships flourish and I feel that is so important to understanding God’s love for us all and giving us perspective about our place in the world. 

Carolyn Rasanen

  • Position on Leadership Team: At Large
  • Hometown: Seattle, Washington
  • Hobbies/Interests: knitting, basket weaving, reading, vactioning on Mount Rainer, WA
  •  I love CCC for the fellowship of people who love God and strive to serve Him. My goal for the church would be  for more people to find God and friends in our midst.

Cheri Sperr

  • Position on Leadership Team: At Large
  • Hometown: Middleton, MA
  • Hobbies/Interests: Biking, campfires, sharing meals with together, vacationing in  Ireland & Alaska
  • What I like about CCC is that there is room for me to be myself.

Linda Selinger

  • Position on Leadership Team: At Large
  • Hometown: West Peabody, MA
  • Hobbies/Interests:  Read, hike, bake and spend time with my grandchildren
  • I love the sense of community the sense of belonging and the sense that there are people who care. I love to see the building being utilized I would love to see our community grow.

Ron MacTaylor

  • Position on Leadership Team: At Large
  • Hometown: North Reading, MA
  • Hobbies/Interests: Family Fun (game nights, concerts- with offspring directing or performing), walks and playing with my puppy, I enjoy reading a range of genres of books from Salem Public Library
  • For as long as I have known CCC, we have enjoyed a community that has a broad age / life experience range. Conversation and activities can include young children from young families, teens with still young parents, that wide range of “middle aged” folks, and wonderful seniors, some of whom are grandparents or great-grandparents. It is actually pretty rare in regular life experiences, even in many church settings, to have such a range.  We are very fortunate. That said- my most fulfilling experiences at CCC have been working side-by-side with these same people in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Mexico Missions Trips, Choir, and Leadership Team. I’d love to see CCC thriving and providing these intergenerational opportunities to even more / new folks.