Children’s Ministry
Caring for children and families has always been an important aspect of life at Community Covenant Church. We have invested time and energy into the children’s program, including recently upgrading our playground. Our church is going through a transition period, and we are re-starting our children’s ministry. The ways that children’s ministry has been done in the past is no longer meeting the needs of the children and families in our community. However, our goal is the same, to have a program where children know they are loved by Jesus and deepen their relationship with him, as well as a place where they realize they are important members of his Kingdom, and of Community Covenant Church. We would love for you to join with us in re-starting a robust children’s ministry.

Youth Ministry
Middle School and High School are unique periods in a person’s life. Students are growing into themselves, exploring the world and their faith in new ways. We at Community Covenant Church want to come alongside teens and families as they navigate this fun, if challenging, part of life. Like our children’s ministry, Community Covenant Church is in the midst of re-starting a youth ministry that meets the needs of current students and their families. Events such as retreats at Pilgrim Pines and UNITE East are being created to give students the opportunity to grow deeper in their faith and connect to each other. Local youth events are also being planned. We are excited for what is ahead for the youth of Community Covenant Church, and would love for you to join us in the journey.

Women’s Ministry
Advancing God’s Kingdom through Women, Women’s Ministry exists to advance God’s kingdom through ministries that equip women to grow, serve, and reach out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To achieve this mission, Women’s Ministries is dedicated to supporting local, conference, national and worldwide causes as well as special interest in missionaries, Pilgrim Pines, Adelbrook, and Community Covenant Church through our Thank Bank offerings, Sew-N-Go. And our yearly Scandinavian Fair.
Coffee Hour
CCC is a community that enjoys spending time together. One way that we do this is through our regular coffee hour, which occurs after the church service every Sunday. Coffee and treats are provided by volunteers so that connections and community can thrive. Participating in Coffee Hour, whether as a volunteer or as someone who enjoys food, is an amazing way to begin connecting to CCC. We are hoping you will join us here!